it’s fair Agentur: Our commitment elevates your success!


Our range of services for your convenience

You probably do not have any money to sink – well, neither do we. Which makes it quite imperative to plan properly in advance and prepare your tradeshow attendance thoroughly. This begins by defining the goals of your participation and identifying the trade fair that most probably caters to those goals. Then it continues with booth planning the selection of the exhibits, followed by the coaching and attunement of the team that will be tending the booth. Preparations conclude with the planning of a timely and obligatory follow-up of all contacts collected at the show. And in between these steps are more stages.

Remember: You need to obtain good contacts first if you wish to close contracts later!

With this in mind, we offer supportive concepts and solutions for tailored-made workshops – from a first draft to the realization and subsequent implementation. In all phases we work closely with you to achieve a perfect match reflective of your requirements. We want you to be successful: Creatively, well thought-out and within budget. Benefit from our sound experience and expertise.

Ask us – we are happy to help!

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